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Futures Bets Can Be Dangerous to Handicapping Health
Jul 7th, 2015

Beware of making consequential futures bets, including playoff series wagers. I have been shocked so often when I have heard experienced and winning bettors tacitly confess how early season wagers have biased them from making compulsory game-by-game adjustments in winning sports bets.

That is ironic, because another cardinal sin is when bettors and touts overreact to the previous contest. But in my confabs with sharps, I have heard several acknowledge, they lean towards Side A in a certain situation, but they cannot bet on them because they need Side B to hit a considerable season wins over/under wager.

So many of our angles, systems, and theories betting with Marathonbet UK are dependent on overall season results, recent game(s) performance, alterations for injuries, trades, surprise rookies and freshman or disappointments and positive revelations from a player at any experience level.

Just as a successful coach will have a full-season blueprint, but absolutely must study weekly game film and make proper in-season and in-game fluctuations, a gambler should never handcuff himself with a sizeable portfolio of preseason wagers.

We as bettors need to be right more often than wrong, but like successful people in any enterprise must be quite to isolate and admit our mistake, learn from them and turn them into a positive.

Clinging to a preseason proposition bet is embracing a deleterious bias when betting with Marathonbet global.

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Joe Duffy is founder of featuring the world’s top sports service selections.
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