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Cam Newton Out Reports Premature; Miami Ohio vs. Bowling Green Against Spread 411
Nov 10th, 2010

Go smile, because the official betting preview of Miami Ohio vs. Bowling Green on ESPN2 is forthcoming.

Because broke the story about the inevitable Cam Newton bombshell not to mention being hours ahead of the lamestream media on the Wade Phillips firing, we have been contacted about the veracity of rumors that Cam Newton will not play against Georgia.

The reports are erroneous, though possibly just premature. “He will be declared ineligible, it’s just a matter of when,” our source again assured us. “Auburn is hoping for some kind of miracle. They won’t get it.”

We contrast the key success indicators used by pro bettors against both the college football schedule and in successful wagering on the NFL.

The superior team in terms of rushing yards per attempt on offense is Miami Ohio by .2.

Also on offense, when it comes to yards per reception the figures give the eminence to Miami O by .3.

Vegas sharps exploit yards per point. Data says the more adroit team in that classification is 4.1.

We will look at the other side of the ball in a moment, but where is the football betting experts pick against the spread on this contest? The Great One Stevie Vincent is 9-4 the last 13 including a blowout Level 5 on the Milwaukee. He is 7-1 in football. Get the Miami/Bowling Green over/under plus get the first collegiate hardwood pick this season and two pro basketball winners. Click now to purchase

Defensively on yards per rush, the disparity favors Miami Ohio by 1.1.

The better team at stopping the air attack according to passing yards per completion is Bowling Green by 1.3.

Yards per point dictates the shrewder defense belongs to Miami Ohio by .8

In net turnovers, the preeminence is Bowling Green by one.

Yards per point is determined by diving total yards by number of points. Offensively a lower number is considered more efficient. On defense, a higher number is better.

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Joe Duffy is founder of featuring the world’s top sports service selections.
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