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Eagles vs. Redskins ESPN MNF Official Betting Preview
Nov 15th, 2010

Monday Night Football on ESPN sports betting preview is here. Big sis caught lying if she told you to bet on your own.

It’s the football betting examination in collating key success indicators form a betting point of view on the matchup between the Eagles vs. Redskins.

The Vegas odds on this game are posted at Philadelphia -3.5 -115 and 43.5.

Commencing with the yards per carry data, the higher rated offense is Philadelphia by 1.0.

On the same side of the line of scrimmage, yards per reception gives the upper hand to Washington by .3.

Sharp football bettors exploit yards per point. The more productive unit with the ball in their hands is the Eagles by .3.

We differentiate the information on defense in a moment but first of all, the biggest sports handicapper betting pick in the handicapping industry on this game is Make no mistake about it. The biggest bet on tonight’s ESPN Monday Night Football contest is from ScoresOddsPicks. In the middle (so jump on board now if you are not already) of one of the great football betting seasons ever in the pros (NFLX included), get the ESPN Best Bet of the Year on tonight’s Philadelphia at Washington contest. Click now to purchase ScoresOddsPicks

In stopping rushing attacks, the higher ranked defense according to rushing yards per attempt is Philadelphia by .7.

The stingier defense in terms of yards per pass catch would be Washington by .6.

The more disruptive defense making use of yards per point enlightenment is that of Washington by 4.5.

On the better side of turnover ratio is the Philadelphia Eagles, but by just one.

Yards per point is determined by diving total yards by number of points. Offensively a lower number is considered more efficient. On defense, a higher number is better.

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Joe Duffy is founder of featuring the world’s top sports service selections.
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