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Free Premium Sports Picks
Sep 7th, 2013

Power of 620 sports services behind every selection, the MasterLockLine has $284 worth of picks if you purchased separately from the services themselves. Included is one of the great starts to a handicapping career ever below. New blood and red-hot. A handicapper who has worked for two of the highest ranked sports handicappers for more than a half-dozen years debuted his own football-only service and he is No. 1 this football season both including NFLX and just regular season football! You got their No Limit on Broncos OVER and No Limit total Wake Forest/Boston College UNDER to go to 5-0. First time ever two in the same day, Miami/Florida side, West Virginia/Oklahoma over/under

MasterLockLine Exclusive! One time pro handicapper Bill Tanner still handicaps and bets in his retirement, especially Big Ten and teams from the Midwest. He says he has his biggest bet of 2013 on the Notre Dame/Michigan side. We have it

Service widely accepted as the top small college football and basketball handicapper in the world. In fact, in college sports, he is ranked No. 1 both since 2008 and 2010. Yet again his Game of the Week is a small college team that may pull of a stunner to a BCS team.

It's all at

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Joe Duffy is founder of featuring the world’s top sports service selections.
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